Ghent Altarpiece - Hololens 2
Task: creative direction and technical R&D Client: Alfavision A new and ground breaking visitor centre opened in the Ghent cathedral. Because the cathedral is still very much a place of religious worship (as well as being a world heritage site), AlfaVision was asked to develop a visitor centre in the crypt & cathedral without detracting from the visually appearance of the monument by installing cables, screens etc. The role of AR glasses is therefore central in the development of this revolutionary total concept. The concept is also quite revolutionary in another way. The classic wayfinding was replaced by a personal digital assistant that shows the visitor the way and also handles the personal requests of the visitor. The AR visit starts in the crypt, where a personal digital assistant leads you from chapel to chapel through the cathedral. In each chapel, visitors can follow an AR scene via their glasses, adding a virtually created layer of experience to the cathedral’s real environment. This impressive experience is further enhanced through strong storytelling.